PGMEEnotes--OPHTHAL.notes: 2006-01-15
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Laser Assisted in-Situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
1. Myopic correction of = -1 to –20.00 diopters (-2 to –12 D; Parsons’), with up to 5 diopters of astigmatism
2. Hypermetropic corrections for +4.00
3. Central cornea thickness should be at least 500 microm.
CI: -
1. Unstable refractive error.(Refraction must be stable for 12-18 months)
2. Age less than 18 years.
3. iritis or scleritis, conjunctivitis, severe dry eye
4. Keratoconus. Cornea should not be excessive flat or steep.
5. Presence of a pacemaker
Preop’ly: -
Contact lens wear should be discontinued
--3 days before for soft contact lens wear prior to Lasik
--2 weeks before for rigid gas permeable lens wear prior to Lasik
1. A suction ring placed on the eyeball elevates IOP to about 60 mmHg (temporary blackout of vision occurs).
2. The microkeratome advances and creates an epithelial flap, which is hinged usually nasally.
3. EXCIMER LASER is used.
4. Leave behind residual corneal thickness of at least 250 microns.
5. Irrigate bed with saline and close the flap. No sutures. It sticks by itself.
6. Use antibiotics and steroid drops for about 1 week.
· Enhancement LASIK (i.e. repeat procedure) can be performed but usually after 3 months of table refraction. Ref- internet notes and edited by drkbravva

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